Snap-On Team
We’re a nimble group of professionals with smart, strategic ideas, and the writing chops to satisfy the business world’s growing appetite for great content.
White Glove Service
Exceeding expectations is our normal. Heavy lifting? Our raison d’être. We show up to meetings having done our homework. We listen. Ask smart questions. And hit the ground running with results-driven ideas, sharp writing, and custom creative. Light lifting? The devil’s in the execution, so the coffee’s hot, the PowerPoint’s pre-loaded, and we’ve already run the copy by compliance.
Looking for examples?
Browse our work to see why – and how – Canada’s thought / industry leaders trust us with their marketing and communication initiatives.
Kevin Huestis, Strategy
In an industry rife with one-sided contracts, restrictions and “stop signs”, we get started on a handshake. We can only do our best work once there’s trust; but to get trust, you have to extend it. So, we begin by proving ourselves, exceeding expectations, and then we just keep it going. To me, that’s what a partner is… and what a partner does.
Arlyn Levy, Creative
B2B clients – particularly in a conservative space – need unconventional thinking. We have the sublime talent and proven processes to innovate, especially when we’re working in a fairly tight creative box. The way I see it, the key to continually delivering the unexpected is through comprehension and experience. And that’s also how, with certainty, creatives add value.
Gaurav S. Iyer, Management
While my trade is strategic ideas and persuasive writing, I’ve learned to prioritize business objectives over marketing goals. So, while the work we produce is creative enough to win awards in our industry, what our clients prize is that we’re aligned with them, and on board with their business mission, 100% of the time.
Hayley Vesh, Content
Part of what drives me is that each project we take on is an opportunity to innovate. Our discovery process with clients, targeted research, and industry experience allows us to recommend an approach that may never have occurred to our clients — yet completely aligns with their sales or marketing objectives.
Andrew Simpson, Content
There are a few staple ingredients in our secret sauce: understanding client need and acting on that urgency; striving to create value (always); earning trust through reliability; and delivering quality content that informs, compels – and drives customer action.
Jamie Sturgeon, Content
What do I consider table stakes for a strategic and creative consultant? Comprehension. To me, what’s not optional is staying ahead of the curve in a client’s industry. It also happens to be what makes it easy to work with us. We show up prepared. We’ve done the research. We’ll ask the right questions.
Bonnie MacDonald, Projects
What separates us from other marcomm firms is not just what we do, but how we do it. My party trick is an ability to anticipate need and pay meticulous attention to detail. As a team, exceeding expectations is our normal – and the white-glove service our clients have come to value and expect.
Susan O’Neil, Administration
The one word that’s not in my vocabulary (unless I’m talking to my kids) is ‘no’. In fact, at Capital we all share “the culture of YES” … Yes, we can help. Yes, we can figure out the most strategic and creative solution. Yes, we can meet your deadline. Yes, we can stay on budget.
Yes, we’re on it.
Sophie Qubti, Coordination
We do whatever it takes. How would I define that? We home in on what’s necessary, not what’s easy or convenient or the flavour of the month. That’s not just lip service; we prove this commitment – over and over again – by recommending the best-possible solution, and remaining completely agnostic about tactics, for every client initiative.
Kimia Pourirani, Coordination
Having worked on a boundless range of communications initiatives, I’d say there’s no task, big or small, that we can’t handle. We’re a smart, agile, innovative team – indispensable to clients who trust us to deliver. Again and again.
Justin MacLeod, Technology Director
Justin is tasked with bringing all digital projects to life — finding the best possible solution for each unique client situation. For over 20 years he’s worked across many different technology stacks, and currently manages a team of eight highly skilled programmers.
Dan Wood, Digital
To achieve our client’s marcom and sales objectives, Dan builds targeted B2B lead-generation campaigns that drive results – even where ROI may have seemed elusive. As a Certified Google Partner, Dan is a skilled expert in the areas of Adwords, Analytics and search engine marketing (SEM).